Our Story

New Hope Celebrates Over 80  Years of Service to Our Lord


New Hope Baptist Church was born from a Sunday School class started in the home Mrs. Nina Skinner in the spring of 1942. God blessed this small gathering of people, and they eventually developed into the Cottondale Road Mission, sponsored by First Baptist Church of Marianna. After 2 years, the Lord led this mission to form a church body. The members met together with a council of surrounding churches in the area, who all agreed that God desired to build a church family from this once small Sunday School class. At the meeting, the right hand of fellowship was given from the council, and the name of “New Hope” was chosen.

Following are the Charter Members God used to forge our future:

Mr. & Mrs. J. P. Davis, Bobby Tyler, Ara Smith, W. D. Melvin, Pauline Tyler, Cleavie Hatcher, Lois Melvin, Jimmy Tyler, Lucile Hall, Ferrell Melvin, Mack Simmons, Elma Rea Hall, Thomas L. Melvin, Flora Simmons, Elbertha Rehberg, Olive James, Ouida Pearl Lee, Jean Skinner, Mrs. I. M. James, Mrs. Horace McKinnie, and Gloria Jean Taunton.

Over the years, as God has shown Himself faithful, He has led the church through different stages of growth. In the summer of 2012, the Lord opened the door for the body of Christ at New Hope to relocate from its original site on New Hope Road. After much prayer and seeking guidance from the Lord, on August 15, 2012 the church voted to purchase the facility we now occupy on Lafayette Street.

Where we are headed.

We are excited about what the Lord has done in the body of Christ that gathers by the name of New Hope Baptist Church. He continues to show Himself faithful to our church family as we continue to strive in showing His glory through our service to our community.

Be a part of our story-

Join us every Sunday as we gather for Bible Study at 9:15  AM and worship together at 10:30 AM.