We will teach people to have NEW HOPE in Jesus by:
Nurturing a passion for Christ – Philippians 3:8-11
By encountering Christ through the preaching of His Word, engaging in life-changing worship, and reflecting His love by serving others
Equipping people to honor, study, & obey God’s Word – 2 Timothy 3:16-17
By proclaiming the authority of Scripture, while creating opportunities for people to discover, explore, and apply God’s Word to their lives
Walking together the Spirit-led life of holiness – Hebrews 10:23-25
By developing Christ-centered intimacy through which we can encourage one another and hold each other accountable to obey all Christ has commanded
Helping build Christ-centered families – Genesis 18:19
By strengthening marriages and equipping parents and grandparents to bring up their children in the training and admonition of the Lord
Opening our hearts to all people – Ephesians 4:1-6
By practicing unconditional love, while recognizing that God intentionally uses people with unique strengths, skills, and struggles to build up the Body of Christ
Pursuing kingdom growth in our church, community, country, & world –Matthew 28:19-20
By committing to do all we can to lead every person to become a follower of Jesus Christ and ensure they are connected to a local body of believers that will teach them to obey all Christ has commanded
Expecting God to do great things – Joshua 3:5
By stepping out in faith to follow God’s leading and embrace opportunities for ministry that exceed our own ability
By encountering Christ through the preaching of His Word, engaging in life-changing worship, and reflecting His love by serving others
Equipping people to honor, study, & obey God’s Word – 2 Timothy 3:16-17
By proclaiming the authority of Scripture, while creating opportunities for people to discover, explore, and apply God’s Word to their lives
Walking together the Spirit-led life of holiness – Hebrews 10:23-25
By developing Christ-centered intimacy through which we can encourage one another and hold each other accountable to obey all Christ has commanded
Helping build Christ-centered families – Genesis 18:19
By strengthening marriages and equipping parents and grandparents to bring up their children in the training and admonition of the Lord
Opening our hearts to all people – Ephesians 4:1-6
By practicing unconditional love, while recognizing that God intentionally uses people with unique strengths, skills, and struggles to build up the Body of Christ
Pursuing kingdom growth in our church, community, country, & world –Matthew 28:19-20
By committing to do all we can to lead every person to become a follower of Jesus Christ and ensure they are connected to a local body of believers that will teach them to obey all Christ has commanded
Expecting God to do great things – Joshua 3:5
By stepping out in faith to follow God’s leading and embrace opportunities for ministry that exceed our own ability